Quantum Mechanics – Bogoliubov Transformation with Complex Hamiltonian Explained

condensed-matterquantum mechanicssecond-quantization

Consider the following Hamiltonian:
$$H=\sum_k \begin{pmatrix}a_k^\dagger & b_k \end{pmatrix}
\begin{pmatrix}\omega_0 & \Omega f_k \\ \Omega f_k^* & \pm \omega_0\end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix}a_k \\\ b_k^\dagger\end{pmatrix}\tag{1}$$
for bosonic operators ($+$) or fermionic operators ($-$). The standard way to do Bogoliubov transformations is to use the transformations:
$$M_{\text{boson}}=\begin{pmatrix} \cosh(\theta) & \sinh(\theta)\\ \sinh(\theta)&\cosh(\theta)\end{pmatrix},\quad M_{\text{fermion}}=\begin{pmatrix} \cos(\theta) & \sin(\theta)\\ -\sin(\theta)&\cos(\theta)\end{pmatrix}$$
However, in this case these won't work as they will give complex values of $\theta$, and to ensure that our (anti-)commutators remain intact we need $\theta$ to be real.

Thus my question is: How do we generalize the Bogoliubov to solve problems of the form of (1)?

This question is based of this one: Bogoliubov transformation with a slight twist

Best Answer

There is always a bottom-line answer to this question: write the complex boson/fermion in terms of real boson/fermion ($a=a_R+i a_I$, etc), plug it in, and then diagonalize it by orthogonal matrices. This is probably the more natural way to do it for particle non-conserving systems.

If one insists on doing it in terms of complex boson/fermion, it's still possible, but many of the time annoying. This is because one (generically) also need to transform within the real and the imaginary part of the variables, which forces one to double the size of the matrix to include $( a,a^{\dagger},b,b^{\dagger})^T$ all together, like the Nambu spinor when one solves for superconductors' mean-field Hamiltonian. The annoying part is that one needs to take care of the redundancy in the matrix components.