Quantum Field Theory – Bogoliubov Transformation with a Slight Twist


Given a Hamiltonian of the form

$$H=\sum_k \begin{pmatrix}a_k^\dagger & b_k^\dagger \end{pmatrix}
\begin{pmatrix}\omega_0 & \Omega f_k \\ \Omega f_k^* & \omega_0\end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix}a_k \\ b_k\end{pmatrix}, $$

where $a_k$ and $b_k$ are bosonic annihilation operators, $\omega_0$ and $\Omega$ are real constants and $f_k$ is a complex constant.

How does one diagonalise this with a Bogoliubov transformation? I've seen an excellent answer to a similar Phys.SE question here, but I'm not quite sure how it translates to this example. Any hints or pointers much appreciated.

Best Answer

This is an eigenvalue problem.

Let's assume your Bogoliubov transformation is of the form: $(a_k,b_k)^T=X(c_k,d_k)^T$. What this transformation do is let your Hamiltonian become: $H_k=w_1c_k^\dagger c_k+w_2 d_k^\dagger d_k$, with the anti-commute relation holds for new field operators $c_k$ and $d_k$.

Now you can check that $X$ is just the matrix where its columns are just the Normalized Eigenvectors of your original matrix.

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