[Physics] Block slides down a movable ramp, 2 approaches yields different answer


My Question is exactly as this Phys.SE post: block slides on smooth triangular wedge kept on smooth floor.Find velocity of wedge when block reaches bottom

image of the problem

The Problem is I used 2 methods Momentum/Energy conservation and Newton Forces analysis both yielding totally different answers !!!

My answer for inclined plane velocity using forces method is and I am pretty sure of it , is

$$v_{I}=\sqrt { \frac {2 m^2 gh \cos^2a}{(M+m)(M+ m\ sin^2 a)}}$$

Method 2:
Since energy is conserved , block potential energy is converted to kinetic energy for both inclined plane and the block.

Linear momentum is also conserved in x direction , Intial total momentum is zero .
Applying it right after the block leaves the incline.

$$\frac{1}{2}mv_{b}^2+\frac{1}{2}Mv_{I}^2 =mgh $$


Solving for Inclined plane velocity

$$v_{I}=\sqrt{\frac{2m^2 gh}{M(M+m)}}$$

First expression is dependent on the angle and initial height while the second is dependent only on initial height !!

Why are they different?

Best Answer

The block's $x$-velocity right before it hits the floor is not $v_b$, but $v_b \cos \alpha + v_I$. The $\cos \alpha$ is because it's not moving horizontally relative to the wedge, but at an angle $\alpha$; the $+ v_I$ term is because it's moving relative to the wedge, and momentum is only conserved in a frame that is at rest with respect to the table. Similarly, its $y$-velocity is $v_b \sin \alpha$. So the correct equations are (taking into account the relative motions): $$ \frac{1}{2} m (v_b^2 + v_I^2 + 2 v_b v_I \cos \alpha) + \frac{1}{2} M v_I^2 = mgh $$ $$ m (v_b \cos \alpha + v_I) + M v_I = 0 $$ Solving these two equations yields the expression you got from applying Newton's Second Law.

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