[Physics] Black Hole Singularity and String Theory


This question arises in a somewhat naive form because I am largely unfamiliar with String Theory. I do know that it incorporates higher space dimensions where I shall take the overall dimensionality to be 10 in this question, for concreteness. Now the traditional Hawking-Penrose Singularity results apply to the the General Relativity manifold of 3+1 dimensions; with the 4D Schwarzchild solution providing an example of a Singularity and Black Hole.

So the question is: do singularities (and maybe associated Event Horizons) necessarily form in all 10 dimensions?

Examining this question for myself I see that this paper for mathematicians introduces an $N$ dimensional Schwarzchild metric and in theorem 3.15 an $N$ dimensional Hawking-Penrose singularity theorem. However this cannot answer directly to the intentions of the String theory models. For example it is mathematically possible to extend 4D Schwarzchild to 10D differently by adding a 6D Euclidean metric. So one question is whether this modified 10D Schwarzchild even meets the conditions for the $N$ dimensional Hawking-Penrose theorem. Although such a modification is not likely acceptable as a String Theory extension, it shows that we can consider some cases:

a) All 4D singularities / Event Horizons are actually 10 D ones.

b) Some/all 4D singularities / Event Horizons are "surface phenomena" in String theory – the underlying Bulk Volume is singularity free.

EDIT: Expressed a bit more formally this is saying that the String Theory has a singularity free solution $\Phi$ in 10D, but when $\Phi$ is restricted or reduced to 3+1D it is one of the known singular solutions of GR.

c) Some Singularities in String Theory Bulk (the 6D part) can arise without a corresponding 4D singularity (akin to a "deep earth earthquake" in 10D space-time, perhaps)?

Best Answer

The Schwarzschild metric for $d$ dimensions is the standard form $$ ds^2~=~-e^{2\phi}dt^2~+~e^{2\gamma}dr^2~+~r^2d\Omega^2 $$ These metric terms in the Einstein field equation gives $$ R_{tt}~-~\frac{1}{2}Rg_{tt}~=~G_{tt}~=~ -e^{2\phi}\Big((d~-~1)\frac{e^{2\gamma}}{r} ~+~\frac{(d~+~1)(d~-~2)}{2r^2}(1~-~e^{2\gamma}\Big) $$ A multiplication by $g^{tt}$ removes the $-e^{2\phi}$ and we equate this with a pressureless fluid $T^{tt}~=~\kappa\rho$. So we think of the black hole as composed of “dust.” Some analysis on this is used to compute the $G_r^r$ gives the curvature term $$ G_r^r~=~\Big((d~-~1)(\phi_{,r}~+~\gamma_{,r})\frac{e^{-2\gamma}}{r}~+~\kappa\rho\Big). $$ which tells us $\phi~=~-\gamma$, commensurate with the standard Schwarzschild result, and that $$ e^{-2\gamma}~=~e^{2\phi}~-~\Big(\frac{r_0}{r}\Big)^{d~-~2}. $$ The entropy of the black hole is then computed by writing the density according to these metric elements and computing the Rindler time coordinates $S~=~2\pi(d~-~2)A/\kappa$.

The results more or less follow as with the standard $3~+~1$ spacetime result. The Connection with strings is to work with the entropy of the black hole. The $1~+~1$ string world sheet has $d~-~1$ transverse degrees of freedom which contain the field data. The entropy $S~=~2\pi(d~-~1)T$ may be computed with the string length, which reduces to the holographic results in $d~=~4$ spacetime.

The event horizon is $d~-~2$ dimensional, which for $10$ dimension means the horizon is $8$ dimensional. The singularity is not considered in these calculations. The factors $e^{-2\gamma}~=~e^{2\phi}$ become extremely large. The metric approximates $$ ds^2~\simeq~\Big(\frac{r_0}{r}\Big)^{d~-~2}dt^2~+~r^2d\Omega^2 $$ which is a $d~-~1$ dimensional surface where the Weyl curvature diverges for $r~\rightarrow~0$. For $d~=~4$ this has properties similar to an anti-deSitter space.

The theory of black holes essentially follows in arbitrary dimensions. It is interesting to speculate on what the singularity is from a stringy perspective. The event horizon contains the quantum field information which composes the black hole. This may then have some type of correspondence with the interior singularity, with one dimension larger. For a black hole that is very small $\sim~10^3$ Planck units, the horizon is a quantum fluctuating region, as is the singularity, and the QFT data on the two may have some form of equivalency.

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