[Physics] Black Body Spectrum Plot


I'm Having trouble replicating the Black Body model for sun shown on this plot

enter image description here

To my understanding I should only use Planck's formula:

$$I(\lambda) = \frac{2\pi hc^2}{\lambda^5}\dfrac{1}{exp\left(\frac{hc}{k_bT\lambda}\right)}\cdot 10^{-9}$$

Being $\lambda$ in [m] and having the last factor, $10^{-9}$, added for the units presented. What i get is

enter image description here

Can anyone see why?

Best Answer

The way you have expressed the power density or irradiance is not correct. There is a (-1) in the denominator which is subtracted from the exponential term. Look at the following link to correctly express your result: black body radiation curves

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