[Physics] Black Body Golf Balls


The surface of a golf ball has about 35% more surface area (than a similar sphere) due to its dimples. So my question is simple, given identical radius, ideal black body material, and temperature:

Would this increased surface area allow a black body golf ball to radiate more than its smooth counterpart?

I'd like to know if the golf ball will be able to radiate its energy more quickly than the smooth sphere, so total power radiated away from the objects is what I'm interested in. By "radiated away" from the object I mean not toward it. This is energy lost by the object per unit time. There is no coolant medium, advection, convection, or conduction (to a separate object). Radiation only.

Best Answer

Consider a smooth spherical shell. The outside of the shell admits no energy transfer via radiation or any other means, so that the shell and its interior form an isolated system. The shell is at temperature $T$. Its inside surface is a perfect black body.

Next put a smooth solid sphere, also a perfect black body, in the center of the shell, also at temperature $T$. It will absorb radiation from the inside surface of the shell and will also emit radiation, all of which is absorbed by the shell. Because the shell and ball are at the same temperature, they cannot exchange net heat, so the sphere absorbs and emits radiation at the same rate.

Next replace the sphere with a perfect black body golf ball of equal cross section to the sphere. This ball absorbs the same amount of radiation from the shell as the sphere did simply because it absorbs all the radiation that hits it. The golf ball, like the solid sphere, must emit and absorb the same amount of radiation because otherwise heat would flow between bodies of equal temperature. Therefore, the golf ball emits the same amount of radiation as the sphere.

If you start with a sphere and put dimples in it, you've actually reduced the cross-section a bit because the caps of the dimples are gone, so such a dimpled sphere would radiate slightly less than before.

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