[Physics] Biot-Savart and Amperes law inconsistentcy


Imagine the situation below where a steady current $I$ goes through the line. The radius of the semicircle is $r$. How do I compute the magnetic flux in the point $P$, marked by a black dot?


Furthermore, I don't know the answer, and the two attempts that I have made gave me different results. I want to have this inconsistency resolved:

Solution 1. Biot-Savart law:

\mathbf{B} = \frac{\mu_0 I}{4\pi r^2}\int_C\rm{d}\mathbf{l}\times \mathbf{\hat{r}} = \frac{\mu_0 I}{4\pi r^2}\int_C \rm{dl}=\frac{\mu_0 I}{4r}

since $\rm{d}\mathbf{l}\times \mathbf{\hat{r}} = dl\cdot 1\cdot \rm{sin}(\frac{\pi}{2})=dl$ and $\int_C dl=\pi r$ since the curve is the semicircle.

Solution 2. Ampere's lag
\oint \mathbf{B}\cdot \rm{d}\mathbf{l} = B\cdot 2\pi r = I\mu_0\Rightarrow B = \frac{I\mu_0}{2\pi r}

Best Answer

One can make an educated guess that the magnetic field at $P$ is one-half the value of the magnetic field at the center of a current loop which is given by:

$$B = \frac{\mu_0 I}{2R} $$

So your first approach is correct.

The approach of your solution 2 doesn't make any sense to me. The integral is along a closed path and, evidently, you're assuming $\mathbf B \cdot d\mathbf l$ is a constant along a closed path of constant $r$?