[Physics] Best shape to reduce the splash of a droplet

collisionfluid dynamicskinematicswater

Our coffee machine catches the last couple of droplets, after your cup is removed on a shape to reduce plash of the coffee droplets.

These shapes are placed inside the spill reservoir.
The shape used by our coffee machine is shape nr 2 with the droplet falling at position 1, this works well but not perfect.
What shape would be even better for this purpose? And at which position should the droplet fall?

I've included some shapes I came up with but I'm open for other suggestions.

The image displays a 2D version of the shapes, the first 2 shapes are cone shaped and the last 2 would have to be open on the ends (or sides) to release the coffee into the spill reservoir.

Best Answer

The other answers may be correct but claims that the solution to this is "obvious" for a real fluid are, in my opinion, questionable.

However, people have studied similar problems empirically. See for example the 2009 paper "Experimental Splash Studies of Monodisperse Sprays Impacting Variously Shaped Surfaces" by Yoon, et al. (DOI:10.1080/07373930802606188).

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