Particle Physics – What Quarks Exist in Daily Matter Besides Up and Down Quarks?


Protons and neutrons, which are found in everyday matter around us, compose of up and down quarks. Are the other two generations of quarks, i.e. $c,s,t,b$ quarks found in everyday matter around us?

I am learning about these fundamental particles and would like to know how they relate to our daily life. Are they mostly irrelevant to our daily life except in extreme physical conditions, like in the particle colliders?

Best Answer

Every nucleon has what are called sea quarks in it, in addition to the valence quarks that define the nucleon as a proton or neutron. Some of those sea quarks, especially the strange quarks, have some secondary relevance in practical terms regarding how the residual strong nuclear force between protons and neutrons in an atomic nucleus is calculated from first principles and how stable a free neutron is if you calculate that from first principles. Strange quarks are also found in the $\Lambda^0$ baryon (which has quark structure $uds$), which is present at a low frequency in cosmic rays, but has a mean lifetime of only about two tenths of a nanosecond and is only indirectly detected in the form of its decay products.

Strange quarks are also relevant at a philosophical level that could impact your daily life, because mesons including strange quarks called kaons, are the lightest and most long lived particles in which CP violation is observed; thus, strange quarks are what made it possible for us to learn that the laws of physics at a quantum level are not independent of an arrow of time.

You could do a lot of sophisticated engineering for a lifetime without ever knowing that second or third generation quarks existed, even nuclear engineering. Indeed, the basic designs of most nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons in use in the United States today were designed before scientists knew that they existed. The fact that protons and neutrons are made out of quarks was a conclusion reached in the late 1960s and not widely accepted until the early 1970s, although strange quark phenomena were observed in high energy physics experiments as early as the 1950s. Third generation fermions were discovered even later. The tau lepton was discovered in 1974, the tau neutrino in 1975, the b quark in 1977, and the top quark in 1995 (although its existence was predicted and almost certain in the 1970s).

Otherwise, these quarks are so ephemeral and require such concentrated energy to produce, that they have no real impact on daily life and are basically never encountered outside of high energy physics experiments, although some of them may be present in and influence to properties of distant neutron stars. Second and third generation quarks also definitely played an important part in the process of the formation of our universe shortly after the Big Bang.

The only second or third generation fermion in the Standard Model with significant practical engineering applications and an impact on daily life and on technologies that are used in the real world are muons (the second generation electron). Muons are observed in nature in cosmic rays (a somewhat misleading term since it doesn't include only photons) and in imaging technologies similar to X-rays but with muons instead of high energy photons. Muons are also used in devices designed to detect concealed nuclear isotypes. Muons were discovered in 1937, although muon neutrinos were first distinguished from electron neutrinos only in 1962, and the fact that neutrinos have mass and that different kinds of neutrinos have different masses was only established experimentally in 1998.

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