[Physics] Assumption in the derivation of Schrödinger’s equation

linear systemsquantum mechanicsschroedinger equationsuperpositionwavefunction

I read on the "derivation" (with some assumptions) of the Schrödinger equation.
The idea is to start from
$$T + U = E $$
wher $T$ is kinetic energy, $U$ is potential energy, and $E$ is total energy.
Then, we assume that the wave function has the form $\Psi = Ae^{i(kx-\omega t)}$ and go from there to get the Schrodinger equation.
However, I have read examples where the resultant $\Psi$ solved from the Schrodinger equation is not of the form $A e^{i(kx-\omega t)}$ (e.g. free particle in a potential well).
If we derive the Schrodinger equation by assuming $\Psi = A e^{i(kx-\omega t)}$, but the solutions that come out from the Schrodinger equation are not of that form, then aren't we sort of contradicting ourselves?

My guess: Does this have something to do with linearity in quantum mechanics as a whole perhaps, i.e. expressing $\Psi$ as a sum of $A e^{i(kx-\omega t)}$?

Best Answer

It is extremely misleading to call the argument you referred to as a "derivation" of the Schrödinger equation $-$ to put it simply, it is no such thing, and there is no such thing. The Schrödinger equation is one of the fundamental postulates of quantum mechanics and we know of no deeper justification for it.

The argument you've sumarized is best described as a justification of why the Schrödinger equation is, hopefully, not too much of an unreasonable thing to try. It is an argument that makes a bunch of leaps of logic, some of which you've already identified, and it cannot be fixed. That doesn't make the argument any less useful, but to the degree that you find logical flaws in it, they are mostly really there.