[Physics] Arrow that changes direction home experiment


I saw this cool optical effect in a experiment on Youtube:


Could anyone explain to me why the arrow points in the opposite direction?

I have read something about the refraction index of the glass and water, but it's not clear to me how those cause the effect.

Best Answer

Yes, this a pretty and very simple experiment. And the explanation likewise.

It is indeed about refractive index. The glass seen from above (empty to the left):

enter image description here

The refractive index $n$ (or index of refraction) is a material proporty. It is the relation between the speed $v$ of light in the material as to that in vacuum $c$:


Each material has it's own value, $n_{air}$, $n_{glass}$, $n_{water}$.

  • A ray of light from low to high index of refraction bends inwards (incident angle is larger than refraction angle).
  • A ray of light from high to low index of refraction bends outwards (incident angle is smaller than refraction angle).

For air$\to$glass the light bends. For glass$\to$air on the inside, it bends back. The ray is shifted a bit to the side but still towards you. Same but opposite situation when it hits the other inside of the glass. The ray is then back where it started.

With water in the glass, for air$\to$glass the light still bends inwards. For glass$\to$water it bends even more. It will reach the other side of the glass. For water$\to$glass it bends a bit back. For glass$\to$air it bends all the way back. Direction is the same but the ray is shifted to the side.

The change in glass is cancelled out on each side. But the change in water is not.

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