[Physics] Area under the graph of squared wave function

quantum mechanicswavefunction

I was given a graph of square of the wave function of a hydrogen atom, against the distance of the electron from the nucleus (denoted by r).

What I know is that the square of the wave function gives the probability of finding an electron at a particular position, but could anyone explain to me that why does the area under this graph has to do with the probablity of locating an electron? Because I thought that on the graph where the highest value of square of wave function is, the corresponding value of r will be the answer. Isn't that so??

Best Answer

It's not quite true that "the square of the wave function gives the probability of finding an electron at a particular position." The square of the wave function gives you the probability density of find the the electron as a particular position. IN order to get the probability of finding the electron in a given region of space, you need to integrate the square of the (normalized) wave function over the volume you're interested in.

Another way to think about why you need to integrate over some volume is that the wave function is giving you the probability density at a given point in space. That point is infinitesimally small; in mathematical terms, it has measure zero. Because it is infinitesimally small, there is an infinitesimally small probability of finding the electron there. You need to integrate over a finite volume in order to get a finite probability.

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