[Physics] Are there two different ways to express the position operator $x$ in terms of the creation and annihilation operator

hilbert-spaceoperatorsquantum mechanics

As we known, to express the position operator $x$ in terms of the creation and annihilation operator $a^{+}$ and $a$, one way is:
$$x= \sqrt{\frac{\hbar}{2\mu\omega}}(a^++a);$$

$$p= i\sqrt{\frac{\mu\hbar\omega}{2}}(a^+-a).$$

But how about

$$x= -i\sqrt{\frac{\hbar}{2\mu\omega}}(a^+-a);$$

$$p= \sqrt{\frac{\mu\hbar\omega}{2}}(a^++a)? $$

I want to know whether the two expressions are fine.

PS: It seems that I can use them to calculate something like fluctuation $\langle\Delta_x\rangle^2$ at coherent state $|\alpha\rangle$.
Both expressions can give the right answer.

By the 1st expression,




$\langle\Delta_x\rangle^2=\langle\alpha|x^2|\alpha\rangle – \langle\alpha|x|\alpha\rangle^2 =\frac{\hbar}{2\mu\omega}$.

By the 2nd way,




$\langle\Delta_x\rangle^2=\langle\alpha|x^2|\alpha\rangle – \langle\alpha|x|\alpha\rangle^2 =\frac{\hbar}{2\mu\omega}$.

The result is the same.

And if we check the dimension, this formula is also OK.

Best Answer

You are just dealing with the unitary transformation $$U : L^2(\mathbb R) \to L^2(\mathbb R)\:.$$ defined by the unique linear continuous extension of $$U|n\rangle := i^n |n\rangle\:,$$ which implies $$ U ^\dagger a U = i a\:,\qquad U ^\dagger a^\dagger U = -i a^\dagger\:,$$ The two pairs of operators $x,p$ are related by means of the same unitary transformations. As is well-known, unitary transformations preserve the structure of quantum mechanics.

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