Electric Circuits – Are the ‘Bird Sitting on a Live Wire’ Answers Incorrect?


Long ago, my high school teacher wrote the popular question on board,

"Why doesn't a bird sitting on a live wire get electrocuted?"

He gave us four options (I don't remember all of them) among which was the obvious "since the bird's feet don't touch the ground" and naturally we chose this one.

He told us that this answer was actually not satisfactory (or rather incomplete) since the current in the wire is not a direct current but an alternating current.

The bird's body should be treated as a capacitor (since the resistance of the bird owing to its small longitudinal extent can be ignored as both feet are at almost the same voltage) which for small frequencies offers large impedance.

Because of this the current through the bird's body is negligible and it doesn't get shocked.

Now, the following answers and links therein:

  1. Why do birds sitting on electric wires not get shocked?

  2. Birds on a wire (again) – how is it that birds feel no current? They are just making a parallel circuit, no?

suggest that its actually the no grounding that prevents the bird from getting fried. (Along with having both feet in effectively the same place)

Most people in the previous answers seemed to not have mentioned anything about the alternating nature of the current and impedances etc generated in the bird's body due to that.

Which explanation is more correct?

P.S: The explanation which had been given by my teacher seems more plausible to me.

Best Answer

Which explanation is more correct?

The answer to the second question you cite is the best one.

In order to be "electrocuted" a non-trivial amount of current must flow through the body. The amount of current that flow is a function of the impedance of the bird and the voltage difference between the two contact points.

The second point is crucial here. The voltage difference the two contact points is essentially zero. A bird's feet are maybe a few centimeters apart and they touch THE SAME wire. The only voltage difference between the two feet comes from losses in the wire itself and these are minimal over such a short distance. Power line wires are specifically designed to have as little losses as is practical!

Large birds do indeed get electrocuted occasionally. That's simply because some part of their body touches (or gets too close) to something that's NOT the same wire their feet are on and that are at different potential. It doesn't need to be ground, any other phase wire will do the trick just as well (if not better).

The AC argument doesn't hold much water. The bird has indeed a capacitance but it's small and the AC line frequency is very low. If we assume a capacitance of maybe 50 pF for the bird (a human as about 100 pF) and 50 Hz, that comes out to an reactance of 16 $M\Omega$ as compared to a few $k\Omega$ for the resistive impedance of the bird. So the capacitance contributes only about 1/1000th of the total current.