[Physics] Applying a voltage to a homogeneous semiconductor


Imagine that there is a homogeneous semiconductor (either a p-type or an n-type, but just one of them) uniformly doped. There is no diffusion current because of the uniform dopage, and there is no drift current because there is no electric field, as the charge is the same everywhere.

But what would happen if I applied a voltage to it? There would be an electric field across the semiconductor, so I guess that there would be a drift current. However, this would lead to carriers moving to one side of the semiconductor, and so there would be now a difference in concentration that would lead to difussion current. However, this doesn't sound right to me. What would actually happen?

Best Answer

Your scenario assumes that you are not able to inject/extract electrons into your semiconductor at wherever the contacts exist. In other words, you have infinite contact resistance, and in that case, yes, electrons and holes would build up on opposite sides. All voltage drop would occur at these charge buildup regions at the edges of the semiconductor, and the Fermi level is flat in between. It's the same as a metal floating in an electric field but not contacted; the charges move to cancel out the electric field on the inside.

In the opposite extreme, if the contacts are perfect, all the voltage drop will occur in the semiconductor. You'd have a linear sloped Fermi level, and bands parallel to that. There would be a drift, but not diffusion, current.

The stuff about photoconductivity above is extraneous.