[Physics] AP Physics C: Does the release of a spring add momentum to a closed system


Two carts of equal mass are on a horizontal surface with negligible friction. Cart A is approaching cart B, which is at rest. Attached to cart B is a spring that is initially compressed. At the moment cart A collides with cart B, the spring is released and pushes on cart A.

Which of the following correctly states what happens to the kinetic energy and the momentum of the two-cart system as a result of the collision compared to those quantities before the collision?

The answer according to this AP Physics exam is that Kinetic Energy increases and the magnitude of momentum stays the same.

Why does the magnitude of momentum stay the same? I would expect momentum to increase since the spring added force to the system.

Best Answer

The net momentum of a system (the sum of the momenta of its parts) can never be increased unless a net force is applied to the system as a whole. Every force has an equal and opposite reaction, so if all forces only come from within the system, the change in momentum $\Delta p = \mathbf{F}\Delta t$ resulting from a force is cancelled by $-\Delta p = -\mathbf{F}\Delta t$ resulting from the opposite force of the action/reaction pair, which also is within the system.

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