[Physics] Angular momentum equations

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I do not understand this because angular momentum is $L=I\omega$ ($I$ is moment of inertia;$\omega$ is angular velocity) but it I have also seen equations where $L= rmv\sin(x)$. I do not understand how these are related, could someone please explain the connection?

Best Answer

In general, the angular momentum for a rigid body is $\vec{L}=I\vec{\omega}$.

For the special case of a point particle $\vec{r}$ from the axis of rotation, we have $I=mr^2$ and $\vec{\omega}=\frac{\hat{r}\times\vec{v}}{r}$, or $\omega=\frac{v}{r}\sin\theta$, where $\theta$ is the angle between $\vec{v}$ and $\vec{r}$.

In this case, the angular momentum becomes $L=mrv\sin\theta$.