[Physics] An equation to describe a process of heating one room using hotter air from another room

airthermal conductivitythermodynamics

There are two rooms completly isolated from the outer world (a closed system, no heat losses). They are connected with each other through a ventilation tube. Temperature in room A is 32 degrees Celsious (for example), temperature in room B is 15 degrees Celsious. Ventilator in the tube starts to transfer hot air from room A to room B. I need to make an equation which would describe the process of heating room B in time. My later plans are to model this in MATLAB.

As far as I understand the equation should include volumes of the rooms, speed of the air flow, etc.

I myself have little knowledge of these things, any help, links, clarifications will be highly appreciated!


Update 1: I imagine MATLAB model as a combination of room A, B, and the ventialtor between them. Room A has a volume, and temp, room B as well, during each point in time after ventilator starts working with a certain speed I would see drop of temperature in room A and an increase in room B.
Update 2: There should also be a second tube with a ventilator that would take cold air from room B to room A.

Best Answer

If you have a volume of air $V$ at temperature $T_B$, then you replace a part of that air with air of volume $\Delta V$ and temperature $T_A$, then the new average temperature is a weighted average of the temperatures of the room's air and the new air.

$$T_B(t+\Delta t) = \frac{(V-\Delta V) T_B(t) + \Delta V T_A(t)}{V}$$

We get a symmetrical expression for the air in the other room:

$$T_A(t+\Delta t) = \frac{(V-\Delta V) T_A(t) + \Delta V T_B(t)}{V}$$


$$T_B(t+\Delta t) - T_B(t) = \frac{\Delta V}{V} (T_A(t) - T_B(t))$$ $$T_A(t+\Delta t) - T_A(t) = \frac{\Delta V}{V} (T_B(t) - T_A(t))$$

If we divide both sides by the time interval $\Delta t$ it takes for this volume $\Delta V$ to transfer,

$$\frac{T_B(t+\Delta t) - T_B(t)}{\Delta t} = \frac{\Delta V}{\Delta t} \frac 1 V (T_A(t) - T_B(t))$$ $$\frac{T_A(t+\Delta t) - T_A(t)}{\Delta t} = \frac{\Delta V}{\Delta t} \frac 1 V (T_B(t) - T_A(t))$$

That is an equation you can model in MATLAB. Of if you prefer, you can take the limit as $\Delta t$ approaches zero of both equations, and deal with it as a differential equation:

$$\frac{dT_B}{dt} = \frac Q V (T_A(t) - T_B(t))$$

$$\frac{dT_A}{dt} = \frac Q V (T_B(t) - T_A(t))$$

Where $Q$ is the volumetric flow rate $\frac{dV}{dt}$.

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