[Physics] Amplitude change when wave travels from one string to another


A string consists of two parts attached at x=0.The right part of the string (x>0) has mass 'µr' per unit length and the left part of the string (x<0) has mass 'µl' per unit length, the tension in the string is T.If a wave of unit amplitude travels along the left part of the string, what is the amplitude of the wave that is transmitted to the right part of the string.

Best Answer

As a wave travel across medium a part of it gets reflected back and a part of it gets transmitted and the point $x=0$ will be a junction.Let $A_i$ be amplitude of initial and $A_r$ be denoted as amplitude of reflected wave and $A_t$ the amplitude of transmitted one.

$y_i = A_i sin(kx-\omega t)$

at x=0 $y_i + y_r = y_t \\ A_i + A_r=A_t$ Therefore
$\frac{dy_i}{dx}_{x=0^-} + \frac{dy_r}{dx}_{x=0^-}=\frac{dy_t}{dx}_{x=0^+}$ this gives $-A_i + A_r = A_t \frac{v_1}{v_2}$ Solving the two equations we obtain $A_r=\frac{v_2-v_1}{v_1+v_2}A_i$ and $A_t=2\frac{v_{1}}{v_{1}+v_{2}}A_i$

Here $v_1=\sqrt{\frac{T}{ml}}$ and $v_2=\sqrt{\frac{T}{ mr }}$

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