[Physics] Algebraic/Axiomatic QFT vs Topological QFT

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Can anybody please tell me a good source investigating the relation between Algebraic/Axiomatic Quantum Field Theory (AQFT) and Topological Quantum Field Theory (TQFT)? Or is there none?

Best Answer

There are a few papers in which topological field theories are constructed in terms of nets of algebras. The idea generally is that a net of algebras gives you a model for the higher category associated to a point by an extended TQFT. (Physicists would say that a 2d conformal net describes a 2d CFT which is related to a 3d TQFT.)

The first one that comes to mind is Bartels, Douglas, & Henriques. I'd bet that you'll find others if you dig around in @ursschreiber's nLab.

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