[Physics] Adiabatic equation of an ideal gas


Why in the adiabatic equation of an ideal gas do we take
$dU= C(v)dT$ , where $C(v)$ is the specific heat capacity at constant volume ? I mean that in an adiabatic expansion or compression the Volume doesn't stay constant so why do we take $C(v)$ ?

Best Answer

Based on Adiabatic Equation Wikipedia

Derivation of $P–V$ relation for adiabatic heating and cooling

The definition of an adiabatic process is that heat transfer to the system is zero, $δQ = 0$. Then, according to the first law of thermodynamics,

$${\displaystyle {\text{(1)}}\qquad dU+\delta W=\delta Q=0,}$$

where $dU$ is the change in the internal energy of the system and δW is work done by the system. Any work (δW) done must be done at the expense of internal energy $U$, since no heat $δQ$ is being supplied from the surroundings. Pressure–volume work $δW$ done by the system is defined as

$${\displaystyle {\text{(2)}}\qquad \delta W=P\,dV.}$$

However, P does not remain constant during an adiabatic process but instead changes along with $V$.

It is desired to know how the values of $dP$ and $dV$ relate to each other as the adiabatic process proceeds. For an ideal gas the internal energy is given by

$${\displaystyle {\text{(3)}}\qquad U=\alpha nRT,}$$

where $α$ is the number of degrees of freedom divided by two, $R$ is the universal gas constant and $n$ is the number of moles in the system (a constant).

Differentiating Equation (3) and use of the ideal gas law, $PV = nRT$, yields

$${\displaystyle {\text{(4)}}\qquad dU=\alpha nR\,dT=\alpha \,d(PV)=\alpha (P\,dV+V\,dP).}$$

Equation (4) is often expressed as $dU = nC_V dT$ because $ C_V = αR$.

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