Dimensional Analysis – Adding Different Physical Quantities

dimensional analysismathematicsunits

We all know the "apples and oranges" rule which says that it's meaningless to add or subtract two different quantities like apples and oranges. But the same rule doesn't hold for the multiplication and division. So my question is, why two quantities with different units cannot be added to one another but the multiplication of them is allowed and how this is expressed mathematically?

Best Answer

I guess I might as well collect my comments into an answer.

You are actually implicitly asking two questions:

  1. whether it makes mathematical sense to add different quantities; and
  2. if it does make sense why one doesn't encounter it more often in physics.

The answer to 1. is positive in certain cases, especially when talking about fruits. The structure is called free abelian group. It's essentialy one copy of integers for every fruit with addition defined component-wise: $(5a + 2o) + (2a + 3o) = (7a + 5o)$ and so on. One can similarly formalize other concepts of addition of different quantities. One can also introduce multiplication and talk about polymonial rings $K[x,y,\dots,z]$ (where the variables are understood to represent units) or take the field of fractions of that, or even introduce non-commutativity. There are many mathematical structures that can accomodate all of the operations ever needed in physics (and more).

So we come to the point 2. We've seen that it's possible to add different quantities. But that tells you nothing about whether such an operation is ever useful. In particular, when talking about elementary operations used in physical problems to arrive at a result which is always a well-defined quantity with units. I claim that this is why we don't use in physics anything else than addition of quantities with same units because we want to have reasonable units at every step of the calculation.

Note that this is also consistent with taking products of different quantities because this operation doesn't spoil the fact that at every step of the derivation we have a well-defined units of the expression.