[Physics] Active gravitational mass of the electron


In PSE here electrons are added to a sphere and gravitational modifications are expected.

My question is:
Is there any experiment that show that a negatively charged object is source of a stronger gravitational field than the same uncharged object?

In other words:
The active gravitational mass of an electron is equal to his passive gravitational mass by experiment?

added, for clarification:
from here active/passive grav mass:
– active gravitational mass: establishes the field
– passive gravitational mass: responds to the field
– by experiment: a carefully designed setup that evidences how electrons interact in the presence of a gravitational field. Does it exists already? If no, is it doable? etc.

Best Answer

I think you'll be unsatisfied with an answer about the gravitational field of the electron--to my knowledge, no one has tested anything involving the gravitational field created by microscopic particles. The closest we've come is tests of gravitational redshift involving scattering microscopic particles in the external field of the Earth.

There, is, however, a known solution to Einstein's equation and Maxwell's equations that represents a black hole with a nonzero charge, known as the Reissner-Nordström metric, given as:

$$ds^{2} = - f dt^{2} + \frac{dr^{2}}{f} + r^{2} d \Omega^{2}$$

Where $f=1-\frac{2M}{r} + \frac{q^{2}}{r^{2}}$. In the context of this metric, there is a difference in the gravitational field induced by the charge from what it would be without the charge--you get the $r^{2}$ variation in what becomes the gravitational potential function for timelike geodesics. This is, in principle, measurable (and a failure to measure it would be a contradiction of either Maxwell's equation or General Relativity, which are both stringently tested--the former moreso than the latter).

One, however, must be careful with what one means by 'active gravitational mass' of a system like this--the ADM Mass of this system is still $M$, and is not modified by $Q$, even if particles near the black hole feel different forces due to the presence of the charged particle.

Finally, as a bit of a interesting aside, it should be noted that the presence of a charge moves the location of the horizon to the location $r_{\pm}=M \pm \sqrt{M^{2}-Q^{2}}$, so there is no horizon at all if $Q>M$. It turns out that if you put the values for the electron mass and charge into this equation, you will find that it predicts that the electron should be a naked singularity.

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