[Physics] Action and reaction pair problem


If I sit on a chair, the first action and reaction pair force is my weight and the force acting on the earth by me. And the 2nd pair is the force acting on the chair by me and the opposite force.

According to newton third law, the action and reaction force must be equalI. 'm confused because how come the force acting on the chair by me is equal to normal force?


Best Answer

Where does the 'pairing' in your first pair come into place? I.e. what is the force counteracting the earth's gravity pull on you (in your theory)?

The relevant force pair in your example is the attractive force between your body and the earth (gravitational pull) and the repulsive force between your body and the chair's surface (its lack of compressability).

You can either see the chair as part of the earth in this scenario OR you can use a force chain in which the repulsive force the earth has on the bottom of the chair transfers via the chair to your body.

It's getting more complicated by the fact that thereby the force the earth has on you is mostly translated into the deformation of your body.

The application of Newton's laws is very much about abstraction and simplification or in other words macroscopic effects, that are in fact the result of a LOT of microscopic effects. (Electromagnetic repulsion vs. attraction on atomic level vs. gravity making up the bulk but not all of the forces ar work here.)

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