[Physics] Acceleration – Constant force vs force for an instant


I am reading about Newton's second law, and I am slightly confused.

So I think I get that $F=ma$ can be used to find acceleration. I am struggling between two scenarios: constant force acting over a period of time and force acting for an instant.


  1. A constant force of 5N acts for 5 seconds on a one kilogram mass. I am assuming you can use $F=ma$ to find $a=$5 m/s2. So after 5 seconds, the velocity would be $v=u+at$.
  2. What happens if a force of 5 N acts only for an instant, like a push to a ball at rest? How do you find acceleration? How do you find velocity after, say, 5 seconds?

Best Answer

You might want to use the idea of impulse, $J$, defined as $$J=\int_{t_a}^{t_b} F\,\mathrm{d}t=\Delta p=mv_f-mv_0$$ In your first case, $F$ is not time dependent, and so you have $$J=Ft_b-Ft_a=mv_f-mv_0$$ You should be able to solve this.

In the second case, $F$ may or may not be time dependent. The equation for impulse can be changed to $$v_f=\frac{\int_{t_a}^{t_b} F\,\mathrm{d}t+mv_0}{m}$$ If $t_a=t_b$ - your second case - then $v_f=v_0$. Therefore, this proves that a force applied for an instantaneous amount of time produces an acceleration lasting for an instantaneous amount of time - which causes no change in velocity whatsoever.