[Physics] About the definition of expectation value in quantum mechanics

hilbert-spaceoperatorsprobabilityquantum mechanics

In quantum mechanics, the expectation value of a observable $A$ is defined as
$$\int\Psi^*\hat A\Psi$$

But in probability theory the expectation is a property of a random variable, with respect to a probability distribution:$$E(X):=\int X\;d\mu$$

I can't see how probability theory can be adapted to quantum mechanics. Observables are associated with linear operators, not measureable functions, so how can we talk about the expectation of a linear operator? And quantum mechanics textbooks use expectations and variances without mentioning underlying probability spaces. Does quantum mechanics use something other than ordinary probability theory?

Best Answer

Since you want a bit of mathematical rigor:

A quantum state is a self-adjoint positive trace class operator on a Hilbert space with trace 1. This is called density matrix $\rho$. In its simplest form, given $\psi\in \mathscr{H}$, $\rho$ is the orthogonal projector on the subspace spanned by $\psi$. Let $E_\rho(\cdot):D_\rho\subset\mathcal{A}(\mathscr{H})\to \mathbb{R}$ be the map defined as: $$E_\rho(A)=\mathrm{Tr}(A\rho)\; ,$$ where $\mathcal{A}(\mathscr{H})$ is the space of self-adjoint operators, $\mathrm{Tr}$ is the trace on $\mathscr{H}$ and $$D_\rho=\{A\in \mathcal{A}(\mathscr{H})\; ,\; \mathrm{Tr}\lvert A\rho\rvert<+\infty\}\; .$$ The map $E_\rho(\cdot)$ has all the properties of an expectation in probability theory. I don't know if it is possible to characterize the measure $\mu$ associated to it (maybe by means of the projection valued measures associated to $\rho$ by the spectral theorem, but it is not straightforward at least for me).

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