Surface Tension – Formation of Small Droplet Rings When Raindrops Fall


On a day after a rainfall, some raindrops from a tree branch had fallen onto a car. It was there when I found an unusual pattern formed when the raindrops had hit the the car panel.

Around each raindrop, a smaller ring of smaller droplets had formed around the raindrop. I first thought that this was a coincidence because depending on the location of where a smaller droplet was, it would fly off at a farther/closer distance than one that is located at a different location (assuming they are projected at the same energy). I then went back home and tested it on a table surface (a picture is shown below):

enter image description here

Under what conditions/parameters could we find and measure the dimensions of such a ring?

If we were to assign variables $h$ to the height dropped, $m$ and $r$ to the radius and mass of the initial raindrop, and $\sigma$ to denote the surface tension, we already have too many dimensions to accurately measure the radius $d$ of this ring. Furthermore, even if we could find a dimensional formula, I wouldn't be satisfied as there are probably some conditions on when such a ring can form; I would like to know how/why it does.

Best Answer

Why it forms: When the drop lands, it can sometimes do this

Harold Eugene Edgerton (American, 1903–1990) Title: Milk Drop Coronet , 1957

As mentioned in the comments, energy conservation could be used to find the radius of the ring...

Initial energy of drop, mass $m$, radius $R$, density $\rho$, released from height $h$, surface tension $\sigma$ is $$mgh + 4\pi R^2 \sigma$$

energy after landing and splitting into $n$ smaller drops is

$$ n^{1/3}4\pi R^2 \sigma + \frac{1}{2}mv^2$$

using conservation of energy and solving for $v^2$ gives a maximum range $d$, (radius of the ring) of $\frac{v^2}{g}$ of

$$d = 2h + k(1-n^{1/3})$$

where $$k = \frac{6 \sigma}{\rho R g}$$

for a 2mm drop, using g=9.8, $\sigma$ of 0.0072N/m and $\rho$ = 1000 gives k=0.022

This modelling gives the maximum range and depends on $n$, it also assumes all the big drop becomes $n$ smaller drops.

Using $n$ = 20: For a drop height of 10cm the range is 16cm, for height 5cm it's 6.4cm and for a height of 2cm it's only 3mm.

Maybe this can serve as a starting point.

An improved model would have to find the number of smaller drops $n$ and also what proportion of the big drop becomes smaller drops.