Classical Mechanics – Mathematical Illogical Argument in Hamilton’s Equation in Goldstein


In the book of Goldstein, at page 337, while deriving the Hamilton's equations (canonical equations), he argues that

The canonical momentum was defined in Eq. (2.44) as $p_i = \partial L / \partial \dot q_i$; substituting this into the Lagrange equation (8.1), we obtain

$$ \dot p_i= \frac{\partial L}{\partial q_i} \tag{8.14}$$

so Eq. (8.13) can be written as

$$ dL = \dot p_i dq_i + p_id \dot q_i + \frac{\partial L}{\partial t}dt \tag{8.13′}$$

The Hamiltonian $H(q,p,t)$ is generated by the Legendre transformation

$$ H(q,p,t) = \dot q_i p_i – L(q, \dot q, t), \tag{8.15}$$

which has the differential

$$ dH = \dot q_i d p_i – \dot p_i d q_i – \frac {\partial L}{\partial t}, \tag{8.16} $$

where the term $p_i d \dot q_i$ is removed by the Legendre transformation. Since $dH$ can also be written as

$$ dH = \frac{\partial H}{\partial q_i}d q_i + \frac{\partial H}{\partial p_i}d p_i + \frac{\partial H}{\partial t}d t, \tag{8.17} $$

However, if $H$ is defined to be a function of $q,p,t$, then how can we define $H(q,p,t) = \dot q *p – L(q,\dot q,t)$, i.e $\dot q$ is not an argument of $H$ whereas it is in its definition.

Moreover, when he is taking the differential of $H$, he argues that $pd\dot q$ is removed, but he does not say why.

I mean mathematically speaking this whole argument is plan wrong, as far as I can see, so assuming that it is not the case, what am I missing in here ?

Best Answer

However, if $H$ is defined to be a function of $q,p,t$, then how can we define $H(q,p,t) = \dot q *p - L(q,\dot q,t)$, i.e $\dot q$ is not an argument of $H$ whereas it is in its definition.

As usual in a Legendre transform, the above expression for $H$ should be understood as a shortened notation for $$ H(q,p,t) = \dot q(q,p,t) \cdot p-L(q,\dot q(q,p,t),t) $$ where $\dot q(q,p,t)$ is obtained by inverting the definition of $p$ $$ p = \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot q}(q, \dot q, t) $$ to obtain the function $\dot q(q,p,t)$.

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