[Physics] 0-rank tensor vs vector in 1D

coordinate systemslinear algebratensor-calculusvectors

What is the difference between zero-rank tensor $x$ (scalar) and vector $[x]$ in 1D?

As far as I understand tensor is anything which can be measured and different measures can be transformed into each other. That is, there are different basises for looking at one object.

Is length a scalar (zero rank tensor) or is it a 1D vector (rank 1 tensor)?

In books it is said that temperature, pressure and other "numbers" are 0rank tensors, they are invariant under transformations and posess no "direction" (that is there is no basis for them). But I'm cofused about units… I thinks of units as somekind of basis.


  • physical parameter: writing pen's length
  • tensor: $l$
  • length in "inches basis": $[5.511811023622]$
  • length in "centimeters basis": $[14]$
  • transformation law: 1cm = 2.54inch

so $l$ is a scalar (0rank), but on the other hand it's a vector (1rank).

The same logic can be applied to mutate classical examples of 0rank tensors: pressure, temperature (which is used as a primer of zero rank tensor most in any book) in C and K units. I'm confused.

Best Answer

“Scalar”, “vector”, and “tensor” have no meaning without specifying the group of transformations. In physics we focus on groups such as rotations, Galilean transformations, Lorentz transformations, Poincaire transformations, and gauge transformations because these are symmetries of various physical theories, built in to reflect symmetries of the natural world.

The length of a writing pen is a scalar under rotations and Galilean transformations. This is a significant physical fact about our world.

But the fact that you can measure its length in various units is not significant, because units are inventions of humans, not of Nature. Physicists never say that the length of a writing pen “transforms” because you can choose to measure it in different length units. Different units such as inches and centimeters for a particular physical quantity like length do not have any physical significance at all.

Going back to your original question, the difference between a scalar and a vector under rotations should now be obvious: a scalar is a single number that stays the same under a rotation, while a vector is a directed quantity that requires three numbers to describe it, and under rotations these numbers transform into linear combinations of each other, as specified by the relevant rotation matrix.

Under any other transformation group, the distinction between scalars and vectors is similar.

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