Statistical Mechanics – Partition Function for a Classical Two-Particle Oscillator

harmonic-oscillatorpartition functionstatistical mechanics

Previous page: What is the partition function of a classical harmonic oscillator?
Whenever I see the partition function of a classical two-particle oscillator,

$$Z(\beta) \, = \, \int dx \int dp ~ e^{-\beta H(x,p)} \, = \, \int dx ~ e^{-\beta k x^2} \int dp ~ e^{-\beta \frac{p^2}{2m}},$$

the $x$ and $p$ integration limits go from $(-\infty,\infty)$. I assume that these limits come from the approximation that the energy of the system can continuously range from $[0,\infty)$.

But I'm wondering if that's the whole story. Since

$E \, = \, \frac{p^2}{2m} + kx^2 \, = \, \mathrm{constant}$,

we find that $x$ and $p$ actually depend on each other. We can see this more easily when I rewrite the equation as

$x \, \rightarrow \, x(p) \, = \, \pm \, \sqrt{\frac{1}{k}\left[E – \frac{p^2}{2m}\right]}$ or ${p \, \rightarrow \, p(x) \, = \, \pm \, \sqrt{2m\left[E – k x^{2}\right]}}$.

Note that when $p = 0$ we get the maximum $x$ limits $x_{max} \, = \, \pm \, \sqrt{E/k}$.

Instead of independent infinite integration limits, shouldn't we use these instead:

$Z(\beta) \, = \, \int_{-x_{max}}^{+x_{max}} dx \int_{-p(x)}^{+p(x)} dp ~ e^{-\beta k x^2} ~ e^{-\beta \frac{p^2}{2m}}$?

I used these limits when calculating the average energy. The result is more complicated, of course, compared to the average energy calculated using the infinite limits. As $x_{max} \rightarrow \infty$, the average energy using the dependent limits approaches the average energy using the infinite integrals.

Is there a reason why we don't use dependent limits?

Best Answer

The dependence of p on x (or the other way around) only comes from the condition of constant energy. This is a natural condition for a microcanonical ensemble, but it is wrong in the canonical ensemble. Remember that the canonical ensemble corresponds to the physical situation of a system (the harmonic oscillator) in contact with a thermostat at a fixed temperature $T$. Under such a condition, the oscillator's energy fluctuates, and every possible value of the energy is allowed (although with different probability). As a consequence, there is no relation between position and momentum, and integrations are over the unrestricted phase space.