Dirac Matrices – On the Derivation of Dirac Matrices in Quantum Mechanics

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Is it possible to retrieve the matrix elements of the $\gamma$s by simply knowing their anti-commutation relation:
\{\gamma^\mu, \gamma^\nu\}=2\,g^{\mu\nu}\,\mathbb{I}_{4}

I'm just trying to reconstruct Dirac's reasoning when he first encountered these relations (previous to his equation). The analogy with the Pauli matrices is evident, which at that time were newly introduced, so it's reasonable to assume some kind of analogy. But it's still too early to guess correctly.
He might have recognized the Clifford algebra… but again I think it's not enough.

Best Answer

Yes, you can find a set of $\gamma$ matrices just by knowing their commutation relations $$\{\gamma^\mu, \gamma^\nu\}=2\,g^{\mu\nu}\,\mathbb{I}_{4}$$

One such set is the Dirac basis: $$\gamma^0=\begin{pmatrix}I_2&0\\0&-I_2\end{pmatrix},\quad \gamma^k=\begin{pmatrix}0&\sigma^k\\-\sigma^k&0\end{pmatrix} \text{ with }k=1,2,3$$ But this solution is not unique. Another widely used set is the Weyl basis: $$\gamma^0=\begin{pmatrix}0&I_2\\I_2&0\end{pmatrix},\quad \gamma^k=\begin{pmatrix}0&\sigma^k\\-\sigma^k&0\end{pmatrix} \text{ with }k=1,2,3$$

Furthermore, from a set of $\gamma$ matrices you can (with any unitary $4\times 4$ matrix $U$) construct many more sets of $\gamma$ matrices by $$\gamma'^\mu = U^\dagger\gamma^\mu U$$ which will automatically satisfy the required commutation relations as well.

And for the $\gamma^\mu$ you are not restricted to $4\times 4$ matrices. You can also find $8\times 8$ matrices or even bigger matrices. But, since the physical results got from these will be the same, there is no need to bother with them.

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