Newtonian Mechanics – Object on a Ledge


I have tried to google this but don't know what to google. I know that normal force is the force exerted back on an object that opposes gravity, perpendicular to the surface. My question is, what are the physics of an object that isn't just flat on a surface, but only a fraction of it is. In other words, an object sitting partially off of a cliff. At what point does the force of gravity take over and make it fall as you slowly slide it towards the edge.

Best Answer

If you have learned about free body diagrams, you need to create one, but instead of adding one normal force, add two forces, spanning the base of the object


Now you need to balance the weight $W$ with the two normal forces $N_1$, $N_2$ in the vertical direction, as well as balance the moments about the center of mass (the summation point is arbitrary here).

This leads to two equations, with two unknowns, the two normal forces

$$\begin{aligned} N_1 + N_2 & = W \\ b\,N_1 -a\,N_2 & = 0 \end{aligned}$$

The condition for stability is that $\boxed{N_2 \ge 0}$. Otherwise, you need to push down on the back of the object to keep it from going over.

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