Newton’s Second Law – For a Rigid Body in Pure Rolling


In general, for combined translation and rotational motion of rigid bodies, rotational variation of Newton's second law ($\Sigma\tau = I\alpha$) is valid (without pseudo forces) only when torques and moment of inertia are considered about an axis through the centre of mass. (Since, net torque due to pseudo forces is zero, about an axis through the centre of mass)

But for pure rolling, motion is purely rotational about a perpendicular axis through the instantaneous point of contact with the surface. Is Newton's second law ($\Sigma\tau = I\alpha$) valid here, when torques and moment of inertia are considered about this axis?

If it is valid, will the angular acceleration calculated by solving Newton's second law about this axis and about the axis through the centre of mass be the same?
\begin{equation}\text{Is } \alpha=\frac{\Sigma\tau_{CoM}}{I_{CoM}}=\frac{\Sigma\tau_{PoC}}{I_{PoC}} \text{ ?} \end{equation}( where: $CoM$ – centre of mass, $PoC$ – point of contact)

Best Answer

This analysis about the point of contact is known as analyzing about the instantaneous axis of rotation(IAOR). It's a neat trick and you can read up on this using any standard textbook.

The angular accelerations in both COM frame and IAOR frame will be the same. Only the point about which angular acceleration is defined is different for the two cases $\Rightarrow$ the linear acceleration of the same point(s) in the body won't match for these two cases(in their respective frame of references) but it'll match in Laboratory frame $\therefore$ when you analyze the motion in the Laboratory frame using either of the angular accelerations, the results will be identical.

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