Quantum Mechanics – Momentum Operator’s Position When Calculating the Expectation Value of Momentum

homework-and-exercisesintegrationmomentumoperatorsquantum mechanics

When we calculate the expectation value of the momentum operator, we use
$$\langle p\rangle
= \int \psi^*\left(−i\hbar\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\right)\psi\, \mathrm dx\tag{1}.$$

I'm wondering if we can get $\langle p\rangle$ by
$$\langle p\rangle
= \int \left(i\hbar\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\psi^*\right)\psi\,\mathrm dx\tag{2},$$

due to the fact that the momentum operator is
Hermitian and therefore $\langle p\rangle=\langle\psi|p\psi⟩=⟨p\psi|\psi⟩$. Does (2) work to get $\langle p\rangle$?

Actually, I've seen a similar form of (1) $=$ (2) at the proof of hermiticity of momentum operator, but when it comes to obtaining $⟨p⟩$, people just use (1). Is there any reason for using only (1)? I guess the only reason not to use (2) might be the risk of calculating (2) as $$\langle p\rangle
= \int \left(i\hbar\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\right)|\psi|^2\mathrm dx$$

by mistake, which calculates $\psi^*\psi$ first, producing the wrong answer.

Best Answer

When we calculate the expectation value of the momentum operator, we use $$⟨p⟩ = \int ψ^*\left(−iℏ\frac{∂}{∂x}\right)ψ\ dx\tag{1}.$$ I'm wondering if we can get $⟨p⟩$ by $$⟨p⟩ = \int \left(iℏ\frac{∂}{∂x}ψ^*\right)ψ\ dx\tag{2},$$

Yes, these two equations are equivalent as long as the wave function goes to zero at the boundaries.

For example, if the boundary of integration is $\pm\infty$, we see that the two above-quoted equations are related by a single integration by parts as long as the boundary term is zero: $$ \int \psi^*\left(−i\hbar\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\right)\psi dx =\int \left[\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left(−i\hbar\psi^*\psi\right) +\left(i\hbar\frac{\partial }{\partial x}\psi^*\right)\psi\right]dx $$ $$ =\left.-i\hbar|\psi|^2\right|^{\infty}_{-\infty}+\int\left(i\hbar\frac{\partial }{\partial x}\psi^*\right)\psi dx $$ $$ = 0 + \int\left(i\hbar\frac{\partial }{\partial x}\psi^*\right)\psi dx $$

I guess the only reason not to use (2) might be the risk of calculating (2) as $$⟨p⟩ = \int \left(iℏ\frac{∂}{∂x}\right)|ψ|^2\ dx$$ by mistake, which calculates $ψ^*ψ$ first, producing the wrong answer.

This is the boundary term, which is usually zero, as discussed above. If the boundary term is not zero then your two expressions for $\langle p \rangle$ (your Eq. (1) and Eq. (2)) are not the same.