Special Relativity – Mechanism of Relativistic Momentum


The formula for relativistic momentum is $\vec{p}=\gamma m\vec{v}$.

To derive this formula, one analyzes a collision while assuming the principle of relativity and the conservation of momentum principle are correct:

I'm fine with all that. What I want to know is the mechanism which causes this. At speed $0.0001c$, force applied is approximately proportional to acceleration. At speed $0.89c$, the same force applied changes the speed of the object very little. Acceleration due to a force is a precise function of the mass and the pre-existing velocity. What is causing this, is there something unseen which 'acts' upon the moving object to render this phenomenon? Does it have something to do with the Higgs field? Is it because of time dilation? Thanks.

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Best Answer

The mechanism is the nature of time and space. Time dilation is certainly an aspect of this.

The usual introductory thought experiment shows that if there is to be a conserved quantity behaving like momentum then its transverse component is invariant between inertial reference frames. But we know that transverse velocity, $u_y=\frac {\Delta y}{\Delta t}$, is not invariant because although $\Delta y$ is invariant, $\Delta t$ is not. But if we replace $\Delta t$ by the invariant interval $\Delta \tau$, then we have an invariant kinematic quantity with the dimensions of velocity. It is easy to show that $$m\frac{\Delta y}{\Delta \tau}=m\gamma(u)\frac{\Delta y}{\Delta t}=m\gamma(u)u_y.$$ Similar expressions must apply for the other momentum components.

The justification of this expression for momentum is not really this thought-experiment, beautiful though it is, but the coherence of the whole fabric of relativistic dynamics. For example, we find that a body's three relativistic momentum components and its energy are the components of a 4-vector with an invariant modulus (mass) exactly analogous to the 4-vector representing the space-time interval between two events.

We also find that, using this definition of momentum, we can express the Lorentz force law in a way that holds in every inertial frame: $$q(\vec E +\vec v \times \vec B)=\frac d{dt}m\gamma(u) \vec u.$$

This is relevant to your statement: "At speed $0.0001c$, force applied is approximately proportional to acceleration. At speed $0.89c$, the same force applied changes the speed of the object very little." I suggest that you look at it a rather different way: it is not the rate of change of $u$ that a force (in the same direction as $\vec u$) is proportional to, but the rate of change of $\gamma(u) u$.

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