Quantum Field Theory – Mass Counterterms in Yukawa-Type Meson-Nucleon Theory


On page 102 of his QFT notes (https://arxiv.org/abs/1110.5013) Coleman uses the following reasoning for calculating the counterterms to the meson and nucleon masses in what he calls "quantum mesodynamics" (essentially scalar Yukawa theory but with a complex KG field instead of a Dirac fermion).

screenshot from page 102

This seems incorrect – the $\psi \psi^\dagger \phi$ interaction term allows (for examples) meson pair-production into a nucleon + antinucleon pair like

$\phi \to \psi + \overline{\psi}$

so one-meson states should be able to scatter into final states that aren't also one-meson states. Is the correct statement here "one-meson states $| \vec{q}' \rangle$ should never scatter as long as $|\vec{q}'|$ is small enough to forbid pair production" ? That seems more correct, and I think that weaker assumption (plus the analogous statement for nucleons) suffices for the calculation of $b$ and $c$.

Best Answer

By considering matrix elements of the form $\langle \vec{q} | S | \vec{q}' \rangle$, Coleman is considering processes in which a single meson enters and a single meson exits. You're completely correct that there are pair production processes; but the initial and final states must contain single mesons.

If you were to calculate the $S$ matrix elements listed, you would consider Feynman diagrams containing intermediate pair production and annihilation processes. All of these will contribute to the self energy of the particle, which would renormalize the mass in the absence of counterterms. Coleman is saying that the method to determine the counterterm coefficients $b$ and $c$ is to compute the mass of the particle, including the self-energy corrections and counterterms, and demand that they are equal to the physical masses.

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