Kepler problem in cartesian coordinates

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I'm trying to solve the Kepler problem in Cartesian coordinates, that is, I want to show that the trajectory is an ellipse using Cartesian coordinates instead of using polar coordinates, as is usually done. For simplicity, I will solve the one-body problem in which one of the two masses, with mass $M$, is assumed to be static, while only the other mass, $m$ is moving, and $M\gg m$. Assuming gravity is the only force acting on the particle of mass $m$, the equation of motion is
which is equivalent to the following equations for the $x$ and $y$ coordinates
$$m\ddot{x}=-\frac{GMmx}{(x^2+y^2)^{\frac{3}{2}}}, \qquad m\ddot{y}=-\frac{GMmy} {(x^2+y^2)^{\frac{3}{2}}},$$
since the motion is confined to a plane. Now that I have these equations I don't know how to proceed and show that the trajectory is an ellipse. How does one show from these equations that the trajectory is a conic section of eccentricity $\epsilon$? Also, how does one derive Kepler's third law from this?

Best Answer

Absorb the dimensional GM into the units, to remove excuses for not recognizing the plane-geometry structure. Note the rotational and translational invariance to be used in fixing your coordinate system below. All vectors are then 2-vectors on that plane, $$\ddot{ x }=-{ { x}\over r^3},\qquad \ddot{ y }=-{ { y}\over r^3} ~. $$ It is then self-evident that $$ L=x\dot y -y\dot x $$ is a constant of the motion (in the z-direction, the only non vanishing one, of course), $\dot L=0$.

Moreover, the mass/normalized LRL 2-vector on that plane, $$ \vec e= L \begin{pmatrix} \dot y\\-\dot x\end{pmatrix}-{1\over r} \begin{pmatrix} x\\ y\end{pmatrix} $$ is also conserved, $\dot{\vec e }=0$. Its magnitude will turn out to be the eccentricity.

Dotting by $\vec r$ you have $$ \vec r\cdot \vec e =L^2 -r, \leadsto \\ r= L^2-\vec r\cdot \vec e , \leadsto \\ x^2+y^2= (L^2-\vec r\cdot \vec e )^2. $$ You may use rotational invariance to take $\vec e$ along the x-axis, $\vec e=-\epsilon \hat x$ to prettify your ellipse orientation, and work out the r.h.s. square, as a quadratic polynomial in x, with the obvious constants. Elementary algebra leads you to the ellipse your teacher taught you in terms of the constants ε and L. That is, shifting the origin of xs to $L^2 \epsilon/(1-\epsilon^2)$ and taking $\epsilon ^2= 1-b^2/a^2$, you get $$ \frac{x^2}{a^2}+\frac{y^2}{b^2} = L^4 a^2/b^4. $$

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