Quantum Mechanics – Is This Really SO(4) Algebra?

hydrogenlaplace-runge-lenz-vectorlie-algebraquantum mechanicssymmetry

The commutation relations involving the components of Runge-Lenz vector of the Hydrogen atom problem, ${\vec A}$ and the angular momentum ${\vec L}$ are given by
[A_i,A_j] = -i\hslash\varepsilon_{ijk} \frac{2H}{m} L_k,\\

I am doubtful about the commutation relation in the middle the right-hand side of which contains the Hamiltonian operator. The righthand side does not seem to be a simple linear combination of $L_1,L_2$ and $L_3$. If $H$ were a constant, then this is the same as $SO(4)$ algebra. But how can this be $SO(4)$ where ${H}$ is an operator? Any help?

Best Answer

Since both the $L_i$ and the $A_i$ are constants of motion, their Poisson bracket with the Hamiltonian vanishes and so it is "as good as a constant" for purposes of the algebraic structure - like a constant, it commutes with everything. Essentially you get one differently scaled $\mathfrak{so}(4)$ algebra for each subspace defined by constant energy $H(q,p) = E$.