Quantum Mechanics – Physical Interpretation of Quadrature Operators in Quantised EM Field

commutatorelectromagnetismharmonic-oscillatorquantum mechanicsquantum-electrodynamics

I am considering a cavity setup using two mirrors perpendicular to the $z$-axis separated by a distance $L$, as seen here

enter image description here

Assuming the electric field is polarised along the $x$-axis and uniform in value along the $y$-axis, the EM vector potential of a single mode of the cavity is given,
whilst the electric and magnetic fields are respectively given by
indicates the allowed modes of the mirror cavity of length $L$. Quantisation proceeds by defining the variables
$$\dot{A}(t)=\sqrt{\frac{2}{\epsilon_{0}V}}p(t),$$ evaluating the energy of the EM radiation in a cavity and then applying canonical quantisation to the dynamical variables. Calculating the energy yields the Hamiltonian of a harmonic oscillator;
$$H=\frac{1}{2}(\omega_{n}^{2}q^{2}+p^{2})\rightarrow \hat{H}=\frac{1}{2}(\omega_{n}^{2}\hat{Q}^{2}+\hat{P}^{2})$$
where $\omega_{n}=ck_{n}$.

My question is, is there a physical interpretation of the canonically conjugate variables, $$[\hat{Q},\hat{P}]=i\hbar~?$$ Intuitively, if I imagine a coherent state of the mode, it would make sense for the variables to be associated with the momentum and position of the light beam, as I can imagine the beam bouncing backwards and forwards between the mirrors (like seen here, for example). However I can't see any physical reason why the amplitude of the vector potential $A$ and its time derivative $\dot{A}$ would be associated to position and momentum respectively.

Best Answer

Thanks to a comment from KF Gauss, and by thinking of the comparison with the classical picture, I managed to work out what is happening.

$q(t)$ and $p(t)$ evolve according to a classical harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian, so will evolve sinusoidally, out of phase with each other by $\pi/2$. Assuming q(t) is initially at its maximum value, $$q(t)=A\cos(\omega_{n}t),\;\;p(t)=-\omega_{n}A\cos(\omega_{n}t+\pi/2)$$ If we let $$\textbf{E}(t)=E(t)\hat{\textbf{e}}_{x},\textbf{B}(t)=B(t)\hat{\textbf{e}}_{y}$$ Then we see that $$E(t)=-\sqrt{\frac{2}{\epsilon_{0}V}}p(t)\sin(k_{n}z)$$ and $$B(t)=\sqrt{\frac{2}{\epsilon_{0}V}}k_{n}q(t)\cos(k_{n}z)$$ We see that q(t) and p(t) represent time varying amplitudes that cause the amplitude of the electric and magnetic fields to vary with time, thus causing the electric field to form standing wave solutions, as demonstrated for $n=5$ here, enter image description here where $z$ is in units of $L$ the centre of the dark red bands are where $\sin(k_{n}z)=1$ hence $E(t)=-\frac{2}{\epsilon_{0}V}q(t)$ and the centre of the dark blue bands are where $\sin(k_{n}z)=-1$ hence $E(t)=\frac{2}{\epsilon_{0}V}q(t)$.

So after quantisation, $$\hat{E}=-\sqrt{\frac{2}{\epsilon_{0}V}}\sin(k_{n}z)\hat{P}$$ and $$\hat{B}=\sqrt{\frac{2}{\epsilon_{0}V}}k_{n}\cos(k_{n}z)\hat{Q}$$ that is, up to some $z$-dependant constant, the quadrature operators are equivalent to the field operators. Finally, returning to this gif, we realise that this isn't a wavepacket of light bouncing back and forth between the mirrors, because $\hat{Q}$ has no relation to position. Taking the expectation value of the electric field of a coherent state, $$\langle\alpha e^{i\omega_{n} t}|\hat{E}|\alpha e^{i\omega _{n}t}\rangle=-\sqrt{\frac{2}{\epsilon_{0}V}}\sin(k_{n}z)\langle\alpha e^{i\omega_{n} t}|\hat{P}|\alpha e^{i\omega_{n} t}\rangle=\sqrt{\frac{4\omega_{n}\hbar}{\epsilon_{0}V}}|\alpha|\sin(k_{n}z)\cos(\omega_{n} t-\theta-\pi/2)$$ for $\alpha=re^{i\theta}$ we see that the amplitude of a coherent state oscillates in time, returning the classical standing wave image, where a real valued $\alpha$ corresponds to the assumption that $\langle E(t)\rangle$ is at the maximum value of its oscillation at $t=0$.

So in conclusion, my confusion was mistaking this oscillation in the gif as oscillation of a light wavepacket between the mirrors of the cavity, when it in fact (in the context i'm considering) represents the oscillation of the amplitude of the semi-classical electric field. Finally, the quadrature operators are equivalent to the field operators up to a constant.

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