Quantum Mechanics – Is the Momentum in the Infinite Square Well Observable?

boundary conditionsmomentumoperatorsquantum mechanicswavefunction

I've read in posts such as this and this that the momentum operator is not self-adjoint in the infinite square well because the geometric space is a bounded region of $\mathbb R$, for example $[0,a]$ for a well of width $a$. As such, it leads to weird stuff happening like momentum not being conserved.

What I don't understand is why the domain of the wave functions cannot be extended to $\mathbb R$ and have $\psi$ simply equal $0$ outside the well. That way, instead of integrating from $0$ to $a$, we can integrate from $-\infty$ to $+\infty$. Then
\langle \psi | \hat p \psi \rangle = \frac{\hbar}{i}\psi^*\psi \bigg\rvert_{-\infty}^{+\infty} + \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} \left(\frac{\hbar}{i} \frac{\mathrm d \psi}{\mathrm dx} \right)^* \psi \; \mathrm dx = \langle \hat p \psi | \psi\rangle,

and $\hat p$ would still be self-adjoint. Also, does the boundary condition for the stationary states $\psi(0) = \psi(a) = 0$ not predicate on the assumption that $\psi = 0$ outside the well? If $\psi$ was not defined outside the well, $\psi$ does not have to be continuous at the walls of the well, so $\psi(0)$ and $\psi(a)$ could equal any value.

Best Answer

It is not necessary to extend the wavefunctions to the whole real line. As far as I can understand, you are defining an operator $\hat{p}$ in $L^2([0,a], dx)$ with the domain $D(\hat{p}) := \{ \psi\in C^1([0,a])\:|\: \psi(a) = \psi(0)=0\}$ and acting in that way $$(\hat{p}\psi)(x):= -i\hbar \psi'(x)\:.$$ As you notice, that operator is Hermitian. However, in QM observables need to be selfadjoint operators, which is a much stronger requirement. Selfadjoint operators admit a spectral decomposition, simply hermitian ones do not.

From a mathematical perspective, posts you found yourself and other posts indicated by Qmechanic focus on related issues. In particular, if candidate momentum operators defined as above or in a similar way (with Dirichlet boundary conditions) admit a unique selfadjoint extension. The answer is negative. There is no good momentum observable in an infinite square well (i.e., with vanishing boundary conditions).

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