Is momentum along the line of collision conserved when a ball falls on an inclined plane


A ball of mass 1kg falling vertically with a velocity2m/s strikes a wedge of mass 2kg. Wedge lies a smooth horizontal surface and the coefficient of resitution between the ball and the wedge is 1/2. Find the velocity of the wedge and the ball immediately after collision.

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I obtained the correct equation involving the coefficient of restitution. However, for the second equation involving momentum, I obtained an incorrect equation.

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Method 1

Momentum along normal to wedge is conserved.

Initial momentum = Final momentum

$(-2\cos 30)(1) = (V_y)(1) + (-V_w \sin 30)(2)$


Method 2

Impulse of ball, which is along normal, = $J = V_y – (-2\cos 30) = V_y + \sqrt{3}$

Impulse of wedge, which is along horizontal $=(V_w-0)(2)=2V_w$

Horizontal component of J which acts to the right = Impulse of wedge which acts to the left

$J \sin 30 =2V_w $

$4V_w= V_y+\sqrt{3}$

Why do the equations from the 2 methods differ? More specifically, why is Method 1 is incorrect and Method 2 is correct. Isn't impulse essentially a change in momentum and since duration of collision is $0$, shouldn't the final and initial momentum should be same?

Best Answer

The ground provides a force that has a non-zero component perpendicular to the direction of the incline. Therefore, momentum is not conserved in the direction perpendicular to the incline.

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