Particle Physics – Is Lepton Flavour Universality an Accidental Symmetry of the Standard Model?


Is Lepton Flavour Universality an accidental symmetry of the Standatd Model? If it is, why? How does it emerge from the Standard Model?

Best Answer

It is not accidental, at least in the sense that this term is used.

The accidental symmetry is the symmetry that is forced on you by the renormalizability - i.e. for a given field set you can't write the interaction that would violate such symmetry. On the other hand nonrenormalizable interactions or renormalizable interactions with extra fields (these two options are related) may violate symmetry. The example is the baryonic number conservation which is easily violated in many extensions of the standard model.

On the other hand the lepton universality is the property of the non-abelian gauge invariance. In qft the non-abelian gauge interaction is determined solely by the representation of the field and the coupling constant, common for all the fields. I.e. you can't have $SU(2)$ doublet interacting with $W$ boson 1% stronger than another doublet.

Of course this constraint is weaker for $U(1)$ interaction, such as hypercharge field. But if you change somewhat $Y$ for some lepton, this may ruin the gauge invariance of the mass terms and the triangle anomaly cancellation.

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