Electromagnetic Radiation – Is it Safe to Sleep with a WiFi Router Next to You?

biophysicselectricityelectromagnetic-radiationmicrowavesradio frequency

Where I sleep I have my wifi router right above me. I don't know if this is safe for my health since it emits radiation.

Some people say that it should be safe since the radiation emitted is non-ionising.

But other sources claim that even non-ionising radiation can have harmful effects biologically.

Therefore, I'm quite confused whether it is safe or not.

These articles claim that it is not safe:





Some insight would be much appreciated.

Best Answer

The wifi router, as well as cell phones and microwave ovens all produce non ionizing radiation. To date, the major concern for non ionizing radiation is its heating (thermal) effect on tissue. It is my understanding that the magnitude of the non ionizing radiation of wifi and cell phones is limited by regulations to be well below harmful in terms of heating of tissue. The leakage limits for microwave ovens is likewise regulated to be well below harmful in terms of heating of tissue.

Insofar as the potential harmful non-thermal effects of these sources are concerned, research continues. Clearly, as the number of these sources continue to increase, more data will be available to determine whether or not there are cumulative harmful non thermal effects of non ionizing radiation at the levels being produced.

In the meantime, in my opinion only, though it would seem prudent to limit ones exposure as much as practicable, it should not be because of being alarmed by non scientific information one may encounter on the internet. Rather it should be in recognition of the fact that the long term effects of non ionizing radiation continue to be studied.

Hope this helps.