Galaxies – How to Interpret Line of Sight Velocity Distributions and Dispersions


What I did: I am analysing some simulation snapshots of the Milky Way and it is modelled as a DM halo – bulge – disc system. I produced some mean line of sight velocity (LOSV) and dispersion of mean LOSV plots that I am attaching here. To produce these plots I simply extracted the vx,vy,vz components of the velocities of the stars and i picked z-axis as the line of sight. I overlaid a grid on the galaxy snapshot and at different inclinations(theta=0,45,90 degrees)of the galaxy I plotted the mean vz in the grid cells (vz is the z-component of the velocities). For dispersion, I just plotted the std deviation of the vz in the grid cells.
enter image description here

My question: I want to now understand and interpret my plots. What can I deduce from the plots for the different angles of inclinations? what can we deduce about the orbits the stars have at the bulge and disc? I mainly want to understand why the line of sight velocity distribution looks the way it does on my plots form a physics point of view..that is, due to gravity or mass distribution perhaps…please refer to equations if you want. Any help is much appreciated, thanks so much!

Best Answer

why do the mean losv and dispersion look this way?

The radial velocity profile tells you that the stars in the disk are rotating in a coherent fashion. You can calculate the rotational velocity by correcting for the inclination: $v = {v_{rad}\over \sin(\theta)}$. If you plot the velocity profile as a function of the distance $r$ form the center of the galaxy, you will obtain the famous flat rotation curve often used as proof for the existence of dark matter.

Indeed, from the velocity profile you can infer the density profile as follows. In order for a star to be in a circular orbit, its velocity must satisfy

$${v(r)^2 \over r} = -{d \Phi(r) \over d r}$$

Poisson equation in a spherical potential (the DM halo is approximately spherical and it contributes the most to the potential) is:

$${1 \over r^2} {d \over dr}(r^2 {d\Phi \over dr}) = -4\pi G \rho$$ Substituting the first equation in the second one obtains $$4\pi G \rho = {1 \over r^2} {d \over dr}(r v^2) = {1 \over r^2}(v^2 + 2rv {dv \over dr} )$$

$$\rho(r) = {v(r)^2 \over 4 \pi G r^2} (1 + 2 {r \over v(r)}{dv(r) \over dr})$$

If $v(r)$ is constant (flat profile) then $\rho(r) \propto r^{-2}$, also called singular isothermal sphere profile and this should roughly match the radial density profile of your DM halo.

In the bulge, things are different. Stars are not rotating coherently, each start follows its own orbit. This leads to a low average radial velocity (because the random velocities average to zero) and to a high radial velocity dispersion $\sigma_{rad}$. Assuming that the velocity distribution is isotropic, you can calculate the total velocity dispersion as $\sigma = \sqrt 3 \sigma_{rad}$.

From it, you can estimate the total mass of the bulge using the virial theorem.

$$2K = -U \implies M\sigma^2 = \alpha {G M^2 \over R}$$ $$M = {R \sigma^2 \over G \alpha}$$

Where $R$ can be the radius of the bulge and $\alpha$ is a geometrical factor of the order of $1$, that depends on the specific density profile of the bulge.

Additionally, you could use the $M-\sigma$ relation to estimate the mass of the central black hole, but in your case you don't mention any black hole, so I think this may not be relevant

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