General Relativity – How to Interpret Einstein’s Field Equations for 1+0 Dimension


The Einstein field equation for our $3+1$ spacetime dimensions is $$
R_{\mu \nu} – {1 \over 2} g_{\mu \nu} R + \Lambda g_{\mu \nu} = \frac{8 \pi G}{c^4} T_{\mu \nu}

I am learning to navigate through this equation and would appreciate some help in interpreting the Einstein field equation in the trivial 1+0 dimension case, please. Let us consider only the $x$ space dimension, and no time dimension in this question.

I have some questions regarding the form of the equation in this 1+0 dimensional case, as follows:

  1. What is the form of the Ricci curvature $$R_{\mu \nu}$$ in one dimension. Is it a 1×1 matrix, ie. it is a scalar? Is its value always zero?

  2. Is the value of the Ricci scalar $$R$$ always equal to zero in one dimension?

  3. What is the form of the metric tensor $$g_{\mu \nu}$$ for one dimension? Is it just a scalar?

  4. What is the form of the stress-energy-momentum tensor $$T_{\mu \nu}$$ in one dimension? Is it a scalar?

What can generally be interpreted from this equation in the 1 dimensional case? What information can be obtain from this equation?

Best Answer

In a $1$-dimensional manifold the Riemann tensor's only component is $R_{0000}=0$ by the tensor's symmetries, so $R_{\mu\nu}=0,\,R=0$. The EFE simplifies to $\Lambda g_{00}=\kappa T_{00}$. The two sides are still not scalar-valued, as they depend on the chosen coordinate system viz. $ds^2=g_{00}(dx^0)^2$.

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