Quantum Mechanics – Instantaneous Eigenstate and Time Dependent Schrodinger Equation

adiabaticeigenvaluehilbert-spacequantum mechanicswavefunction

Instantaneous eigenstate $\psi(t)$ is defined as
$\hat H(t)\psi(t)=E(t)\psi(t)\tag{1}$

But in the lecture notes of Quantum Physics III MIT (in the section of adiabatic approximation), it is written that $\psi(t)$ may not be the solution of time dependent Schrodinger equation.

I am not able to understand why is it that.
At $t=0$, $(1)$ becomes $\hat H(0)\psi(0)=E(0)\psi(0)\tag{2}$
This means $\psi(0)$ is the eigenstate of $\hat H(0)$
We know that TDSE is first order in time. If we know the state at time $t=0$, then we get state vector at other times also.
$i\hbar\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\psi(t)=\hat H(t)\psi(t),\;\text{At t=0 we have }\psi(0)\tag{3}$
Now from $(3)$, $\psi(t)$ evolves and $\hat H$ also changes with time as it depends explicitly on time.
So can't $\psi(t)$ will evolve such that $(1)$ and $(3)$ holds simultaneously?
I am not able to clearly understand why both $(1)$ amd $(3)$ won't hold simultaneously.

Best Answer

The point made by Zweibach in those notes is true even for time-independent Hamiltonians.

Let $\psi:\mathbb R\rightarrow \mathscr H$ be a trajectory through the Hilbert space $\mathscr H$, where $\psi(t)$ is understood to be the state vector of the system at time $t$. The Schrodinger equation is $$i\hbar \psi'(t) = H(t) \psi(t)\tag{1}$$

Let us assume that for each $t$, $\psi(t)$ is an eigenvector of $H(t)$ with eigenvalue $E(t)$. That is, $$H (t)\psi(t) = E(t)\psi(t)\tag{2}$$

Zweibach's point is that it does not follow that $\psi(t)$ is a solution to $(1)$. Plugging $(2)$ into $(1)$ yields $$i\hbar \psi'(t) = E(t) \psi(t) \implies \psi'(t) = -\frac{i E(t)}{\hbar} \psi(t)$$

Obviously this equation is not satisfied by arbitrary trajectories $\psi$; even if the Hamiltonian is time-independent and $E(t) \equiv E_0$ is constant, in order for $\psi$ to be a solution to $(1)$ we must have that $$\psi(t) = e^{-iE_0 t/\hbar} \psi(0)$$

As an explicit example, consider the elementary particle in a box of length $L$. The ground state eigenvector for this system is $\psi_0 = \sqrt{2/L} \sin\big(\pi x/L\big)$ with eigenvalue $E_0 = \pi^2\hbar^2/2mL^2$. If we let $\psi(t)=\psi_0$, we see that for each $t$, $\psi(t)$ is an instantaneous eigenvector of the Hamiltonian (meaning that $H\psi(t) = E_0 \psi(t)$); however, it is also obvious that $\psi(t)$ does not solve the (time-dependent) Schrodinger equation $(1)$.

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