Quantum Mechanics – Why is the Inner Product Not Invariant in Quantum Mechanics?

hilbert-spaceinvariantslinear algebranotationquantum mechanics

For simplicity, consider 2D space. Let $\{|a\rangle, |b\rangle\}$ and $\{|a'\rangle, |b'\rangle\}$ be two sets of basis kets.

Now the kets $|a\rangle, |b\rangle$ can be represented in its basis $\{|a\rangle, |b\rangle\}$ by the column vectors: $|a\rangle = [1,0]^T, |b\rangle = [0,1]^T$. Similarly, the kets $|a'\rangle, |b'\rangle$ can be represented in its basis $\{|a'\rangle, |b'\rangle\}$ by the column vectors: $|a'\rangle = [1,0]^T, |b'\rangle = [0,1]^T$.

Now the rule for finding the bra corresponding to any ket is to take the transpose-conjugate of the ket's column vector (Principles of QM by R. Shankar, Chapter 1). For e.g. $\langle a| = [1,0]$ and so on. The inner product is then $\langle a|a\rangle = [1,0]*[1,0]^T=1$. Similarly, it turns out that $\langle b|b\rangle = 1, ~\langle a|b\rangle = 0$. Obviously the same holds for the basis $\{|a'\rangle, |b'\rangle\}$ when its components are written in its own basis. This means that any arbitrarily chosen set of basis vectors is guaranteed to be orthonormal!

But this gives rise to further problems. Say $|a\rangle = |a'\rangle + \alpha |b'\rangle, ~|b\rangle = |a'\rangle + \beta |b'\rangle$, where $\alpha, \beta$ are numbers. Then $\langle a|a\rangle = 1+|\alpha|^2$, which for general $\alpha$ implies that $|a\rangle$ is not normalized, contrary to our earlier conclusion. In fact, for general $\alpha, \beta$ the basis $\{|a\rangle, |b\rangle\}$ turns out to be neither orthogonal nor normalized. In other words, it appears that the inner product as defined is not invariant with respect to a change of basis.

This problem is avoided in regular geometry by the intervention of a metric tensor $\textbf{g}$ which maps a vector to its dual (or 1-form): $\textbf{g}(|a\rangle)\rightarrow\langle a|$. This is not a component-level operation (like the prescription to take transpose-conjugate of a column vector in a particular basis) and actually renders the inner product invariant.

But since in QM the inner product is written as $\langle a|b\rangle$ without reference to any basis, it implicitly implies such an invariance. (And wouldn't an inner product without such an invariance be useless?) Any reply to clear up the confusion is much appreciated.

Best Answer

The inner product is invariant, and your contradiction comes from an incorrect method of finding bra component vectors the fact that the inner product does not correspond to multiplication of components.

Now the rule for finding the bra corresponding to any ket is to take the transpose-conjugate of the ket's column vector

The rule for finding the row vector of the bra corresponding to any ket is to take the conjugate-transpose of the ket's column vector. An important distinction is that the column and row vectors corresponding to kets and bras are not equal to those kets and bras. Kets are elements of a Hilbert space $\mathcal H$ and bras are elements of the dual space $\mathcal H^*$. The corresponding column and row vectors of the components in a given basis are representations which belong to the row and column matrix spaces $\mathbb C^{1\times n}$ and $\mathbb C^{n\times1}$ (for an $n$ dimensional $\mathcal H$).

A general 2D ket $|\psi\rangle$ can be expanded in terms of a (not necessarily orthonormal) basis $B = \{|a\rangle,|b\rangle\}$ as

$$|\psi\rangle = \psi_a|a\rangle + \psi_b|b\rangle$$ This can be represented by a column vector of its components in this basis $$|\psi\rangle_B = \begin{bmatrix} \psi_a \\ \psi_b \end{bmatrix} \in \mathbb C^{2\times1}$$

The corresponding bra $\langle\psi|$ can be expanded in terms of the bra basis $B^* = \{\langle a|,\langle b|\}$ as $$\langle \psi| = \langle a|\psi_a^* + \langle b|\psi_b^*$$ This can be represented by a row vector of its components in this basis $$\langle \psi|_{B^*} = [\psi_a^*,\psi_b^*]\in \mathbb C^{1\times2}$$

which is indeed the conjugate-transpose the column representation of $|\psi\rangle$.

However it is important to note that the inner product of a bra and a ket is not equivalent to matrix multiplication of their row and column representations. We can see this by expanding the inner product $\langle\psi|\psi\rangle$ in terms of the bases

$$\langle\psi|\psi\rangle = (\langle a|\psi_a^* + \langle b|\psi_b^*)(\psi_a|a\rangle + \psi_b|b\rangle) = \psi_a^*\psi_a\langle a|a\rangle + \psi_a^*\psi_b\langle a|b\rangle + \psi_b^*\psi_a\langle b|a\rangle +\psi_b^*\psi_b\langle b|b\rangle$$

which in general is different to $$(\langle\psi|_{B^*})(|\psi\rangle_B) =[\psi_a^*,\psi_b^*]\begin{bmatrix}\psi_a \\ \psi_b\end{bmatrix} = \psi_a^*\psi_a + \psi_b^*\psi_b$$

The difference depends on the value of the inner products, and its only in an orthonormal basis, where $\langle a|a\rangle = 1,\langle b|b\rangle = 1, \langle a|b\rangle = 0, \langle b|a\rangle = 0$, that the multiplication of components is equal to the inner product.

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