Newtonian Mechanics – Why Total Gravitational Force Acts on Center of Mass in Rotational Motion

forcesnewtonian-mechanicsreference framesrotational-dynamics

In cases of rigid body rotation, rotating about axis other than centre of mass we always consider force by gravity completely of body on side of centre of mass why is that so?
Example consider rod of mass M and length L pivoted to wall at distance L/4 from one end then when in horizontal position we will always take torque=MgL/4. Why are we considering total mass on one side when some is on other why dont we use Mg/4 and 3Mg/4 on each sides? I mean what actually occur in system?, if centre of gravity moves out of centre of mass this approximation will be useless.

Best Answer

If a point $P_0$ is the center of mass, we have by definition: $m_1\mathbf {r_1} + m_2\mathbf {r_2} + ... + m_n\mathbf {r_n} = 0$

Taking the derivative with respect to time: $m_1\mathbf {v_1} + m_2\mathbf {v_2} + ... + m_n\mathbf {v_n} = 0$. So the momentum of the body for a non rotating frame attached to the COM is always zero. If there are no external forces applied, its total momentum must be constant for any inertial frame:

$\mathbf p_{tot} = m_1(\mathbf {v_1 + u}) + m_2(\mathbf {v_2 + u}) + ... + m_n(\mathbf {v_n + u}) = \sum m_i\mathbf v_i + \sum m_i\mathbf u = 0 + M\mathbf u$

where $\mathbf u$ is the velocity of the COM with respect to the inertial frame, and $M$ the total mass of the body. If there is an uniform gravitational field, with acceleration $\mathbf g$

$$\mathbf F = \frac{d\mathbf p_{tot}}{dt} = M\frac{d\mathbf u}{dt} = M\mathbf g$$

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