Gauge Theory – Number of Gauge Fields with Masses Above Electro-Weak Scale in SO(10) GUT


The $SO(10)$ group is spontaneously broken down into the Standard Model gauge group at around $10^{16}$ GeV and the electroweak scale is ~246 GeV. I think there should be 45 gauge fields predicted by an $SO(10)$ GUT (from $\frac{1}{2}N(N-1)$ generators, with $N=10$). How many of them would experience SSB and therefore acquire mass at scales above the electroweak scale?

Best Answer

Above the SM SSB scale of 1/4 TeV, there are 8+3+1 = 12 massless gauge bosons; so, in your model, all other massive elementary vector bosons correspond to SSBroken generators, which makes them 45-12= 33 in all, all the way to "the" GUT scale, past which there are no more massive vectors. The GUT scale may involve several steps of partial braking to SU(5)$\times$ U(1), etc., but the takeaway point is that a few orders of magnitude below all of these scales, you must have 33 massive vectors.

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