Charge – New Definition of Electron Charge by the 28th General Conference on Weights and Measures


The present definition of the Coulomb, since May 20th 2019, is that one electron has a charge of exactly
$1.602176634 \times 10^{-19} $C

Previously, the Coulomb was defined (through the Lorentz force and the Biot-Savart law) by the value of the vacuum magnetic permeability, that was defined as exactly $ 4\pi 10^{-7}$.

The accepted value of the charge of the electron, according to the best measurements at that time, was
$1,6021766208 \times 10^{-19}$C with an error less than 98 on the two last digits, so between $1,6021766110 \times 10^{-19}$C and $1,6021766306 \times 10^{-19}$C

But the 28th General Conference on Weights and Measures decided to choose a value outside this range, the last three digits, at that precision, being 340, larger than 304.

The result of this choice is to transform the vacuum magnetic permeability into a quantity subject to measurement, rather than an arbitrary given value.

Per se, this is not unusual. For instance, instead of defining separately the second and the meter, and thus having the velocity of light a quantity to be measured, one has defined the second, fixed the exact value of the velocity of light and then the meter is obtained as an accessory quantity, with some inevitable experimental uncertainty.

But when that was done, the best value of the velocity was used and the old value of the meter was within the uncertainty.

But because the value taken for the charge of the electron was taken outside the uncertainty range of the best previous value (last digits 340 outside the range 110 to 306), the uncertainty range of the value of the vacuum magnetic permeability does not contain the old value.

Indeed if you look for it in

you find

1.256 637 062 12 e-6 with an uncertainty 0.000 000 000 19 e-6

so the three last digits are between 193 and 231

But the old value was exactly $4\pi$, and even the lowest value of this range, divided by 4 gives 3.1415926548.., way above the value of $\pi$ 3.1415926535..

Can anyone explain to me the logic of this choice ?

To avoid any ambiguity let me state my point: I do not discuss the wisdom of turning the charge of the electron into the basic quantity, and thus turn the vacuum magnetic permeability as an accessory one to be measured. That is fine, per se.

If the chosen value for the charge of the electron had been such that $ 4\pi 10^{-7}$ was within the original range, and later, better measurements had reduced the uncertainty range and in that process left the old value $ 4\pi 10^{-7}$ outside the new range, I would have found that normal.

What I don't understand is why the old value was outside the uncertainty range from the start !


Taking into account David Bayley's answer and various comments let me reformulate my question.

The value I got from the french Wiki page was obviously too old, and one can ignore it.

But I still see some "funny business" contrary to Jagerber's assertion.

If just before the change from $\mu_0$ being defined to $e$ becoming fundamental the most recent value had indeed been 1.6021766341(83) $ 10^{-19}$, then it was perfectly sensible to drop the last digit. But then the relative uncertainty on $e$ before the change would have been $52\times 10^{-10}$ doubled to about $ 10^{-8}$ for $\mu_0$ after the change.

But the figure given for the relative uncertainty is given by David Bayley as $2.3\times 10^{-10}$

In that case it would have been justified to keep one more digit for $e$ Indeed, they kept the digit 4 after the 3 even though the uncertainty on that digit was 8 (83 on the three last digits 341).

When was that figure $2.3\times 10^{-10}$ obtained ? What was the best value of $e$ at that time ?

Keeping the last digit at the time of the change would have reduced the value of $\mu_0$ by a relative amount of about $1.2\times 10^{-10}$. The inconsistency with the more recent value would have been somewhat reduced from 5 to 4 times the new precision of $1.5\times 10^{-10}$. Of course, they could not have known at the time but dropping the last digit would have been illogical if the uncertainty had already been as small as $2.3\times 10^{-10}$ at the time of the change.

Best Answer

The defined value of $e$ is in almost perfect agreement with the best experimental evaluation at the time of the definition, but it is interesting (and mildly irritating) how the current value for $\mu_0$ disagrees with the old defined value.

The value of $e=1.602\,176\,6208(98)\times10^{−19}\,\textrm{C}$ you mention is an older 2014 CODATA value. (Note: Parentheses uncertainty notation is used for high precision results since it is more concise than $e=1.602\,176\,6208\times10^{−19} \pm 0.000\,000\,0098\,\textrm{C} \times10^{−19}$.) As @d_b notes in their comment, the last CODATA (2017) fitted value based on experimental measurements was $e=1.602\,176\,6341(83)\times10^{−19}\,\textrm{C}$, so the defined value of $1.602\,176\,634\times10^{−19}\,\textrm{C}$ just dropped the last insignificant digit.

At the time, this did have the effect of slightly shifting $\mu_0$ from its old defined value: $$\frac{\mu_0}{4 \pi \times 10^{-7} \textrm{N/A}^2} = 1 + 2.0(2.3) \times 10^{-10}\qquad \textrm{(CODATA 2017)}$$

The first subsequent CODATA (2018) adjustment of the constants, however, created a more significant shift of half a part per billion: $$\frac{\mu_0}{4 \pi \times 10^{-7} \textrm{N/A}^2} = 1 + 5.5(1.5) \times 10^{-10}\qquad\textrm{(CODATA 2018)}$$

This is just a consequence of improved determinations of the fine-structure constant $\alpha$. Since $\mu_0$ is now calculated from $\mu_0 = {4\pi \alpha \hbar}/{e^2 c} $, and $\hbar$, $e$, and $c$ are all now defined, the value $\mu_0$ changes with $\alpha$. The dimensionless fine-structure constant parameterizes the current strength of electromagnetism in our universe and its value can never be defined, only measured.

Notes: Comparing uncertainties before and after the 2019 SI redefinition can be confusing.

  • Before 2019, $h$ and $e$ were experimentally determined and $\epsilon_0$ was defined. The CODATA 2017 uncertainty in $e=\sqrt{2 h \alpha \epsilon_0 c}$ was dominated by the uncertainty in the Planck constant $h=6.626070150(69)\times10^{-34}\,\textrm{J s}$, not the uncertainty in the inverse fine-structure constant $1/\alpha=137.035999139(31)$ that was unchanged from the CODATA 2014 value. The fractional uncertainties in $h$ and $\alpha$ were respectively $104\times10^{-10}$ and $2.3\times10^{-10}$. Once $h$ and $e$ were defined with zero uncertainty in 2019, $\mu_0$ then had the same fractional uncertainty ($2.3\times10^{-10}$) as $\alpha$.

  • Because of new measurements, the CODATA 2018 value for the fine-structure constant is $1/\alpha=137.035999084(21)$, which has a fractional uncertainty of $1.5\times10^{-10}$, which also becomes the current fractional uncertainty of $\mu_0$.

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